Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Next Step....

Today was very exhausting. I had my follow up with my neurologist, Dr. Blum and it wiped me out emotionally. The anticipation of talking to him caused me a TON stress.... My little blue MS notebook that I carry with me was filled with questions and new symptoms I'm experiencing. Questions about the disease itself. Questions about the medications. Questions about complimentary and alternative medicine. Oh where to start and what to say!! My feeble mind had been on over-drive and it is tiring!!

From the very beginning Dr. Blum has been amazing and today was no different. This wonderful medical doctor spent a 45 min talking to me about my disease. Yes, I ACTUALLY timed it. He discussed my disease progress in depth and detail, as one health care professional to another, and really put my mind at ease. Thank you Brian and Mary Orsak for the phenomenal referral. I am confident that together, Dr Blum and I have laid out a treatment plan that will help keep me in remission and out of relapse for a long, long time.

So what exactly is the next step? Ryan and I put a lot of thought and debate into our final decision. It was not one we have taken lightly. This is MY LIFE. I am only 33 years YOUNG.  Multiple Sclerosis has turned my whole world upside down and that, my friends, seriously pisses me off. I want to fight this disease process as aggressively and as thoroughly as possible. I CANNOT and WILL NOT allow this to rule my life anymore.  

So, this is ultimately what it has come down to:

- I WILL (first and foremost) have a positive mental attitude. Dr. Blum and I discussed the power of the mind and how staying positive improves over-all health in general so, in my case it is even more essential. Those of you that know me, know that generally I am a very happy person and annoyingly positive and optimistic. This hasn't been the case the last few weeks, and I really need to work on that.
- I  WILL start on the drug Copaxone. It is a once daily injectable into the fatty layer just under the skin. It is a drug that stimulates myelin (the coating around the nerves) to be made and also blocks my immune system from destroying it.
- I WILL change my diet, cutting out inflammatory foods, most processed foods, and sugar. Though there are no studies that suggest diet itself helps the course of MS, again, this is an over-all life style change and it surely isn't going to hurt me.
- I WILL exercise 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. This will consist of things such as jogging, yoga, or light weight training.  Dr Blum says this is probably one of the most important things to do because staying strong physically and limber will help combat any relapses.
- I WILL cut back my stress from work. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a work horse. I am balls balls to the wall, full throttle 100%. I will ALWAYS give my patients 100% of me, that is not the issue. but, it doesn't mean I have to allow myself to be over-worked. I HAVE to find a balance.

Essentially, I WILL take care of ME because I can't (as a mom, as a wife, as a doctor) take care of anyone else if I am not well. I am too young. I have to be able to see my children grow up and have children while maintaining a good quality of life.

I will learn DEAL with my disease, not DIE from or become DISABLED by it. There is NO alternative. period.

I AM a Warrior.


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